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Recent related articles and various journals

Cal State schools see enrollments surge during COVID-19 pandemic
Vincent Aguayo wasn’t sure he wanted to attend college. At 18 he was already working in construction, making good money putting up...

Nine Ways College Could Evolve in the Next Decade
WSJ readers offer predictions and suggestions for how higher education will change, from perfecting remote classes to new revenue models...

Schools Look to Advance Racial Equity With A Focus On Teachers
The student body is increasingly diverse. Teachers are predominantly white. Enter a new crop of programs aiming to recruit and retain...

Covid Is the Big Story on Campus. College Reporters Have the Scoop.
University outbreaks are significant contributors to the pandemic. And the campus paper might be the only one left to cover them....

After the Pandemic, a Revolution in Education and Work Awaits
Providing more Americans with portable health care, portable pensions and opportunities for lifelong learning is what politics needs to be a

On campus with the coronavirus: An oral history of the strangest semester ever
It was the second Wednesday of the first month back on campus, just weeks into the weirdest semester on record, when one dorm’s residents...

This School Was Built for Idealists. It Could Use Some Rich Alumni.
For the past century, the New School produced iconoclastic thinkers. Now it is finding that idealism is very expensive....

Reinventing Higher Education for Affordability
William G. Durden explains how colleges might radically rethink one major aspect of contemporary undergraduate education: student life...

Lawn Games, Anyone?
As colleges try to tamp down partying by students, administrators consider options for promoting lower-risk -- not no-risk -- social...

Rapid Community Innovation: a Small Urban Liberal Arts Community Response to COVID-19
Stories of community resilience and rapid innovation have emerged during the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. As communities,...

Building Public Places for a Covid World
What are architects and urban planners foreseeing as people cautiously gather? Streets “curated” for various uses and dynamic cityscapes...

Stanford Welcomes Students Back To Campus Virtually

The Best Reason to Go to College
It’s the same as it ever was: To learn that the world is more than the issues that divide us.

As Universities Become More Urban, Campus Planning Is Evolving
At a Think Tank discussion held at SmithGroup in Boston, Metropolis's Susan S. Szenasy led a discussion on new town/gown dynamics....

Will the Pandemic Blow Up College in America?
Don’t count on it, despite the claims of the disruption industry. Campus higher ed will survive—but there are a few lessons it could...

‘We Could Be Feeling This for the Next Decade’: Virus Hits College Towns
Opening bars and bringing back football teams have led to new outbreaks. Communities that evolved around campuses face potentially...

Higher Ed’s Reckoning With Race
A conversation about bigotry, diversity, and opportunity.

How Architecture Could Help Us Adapt to the Pandemic
The virus isn’t simply a health crisis; it is also a design problem.

Bird by Bird: Nancy Cantor, community reflect on her tenure at Syracuse University
With a few weeks remaining in her last semester at Syracuse University, Nancy Cantor’s nine-year rapid of policy-making has settled into...
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